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Machinery Breakdown Insurance - Scope, Coverage and Exclusions

Publisher Myat

Machinery Breakdown
Machinery Breakdown
Photo: standret


An insurance policy is a legal contract between you and an insurer that covers the risk of your equipment and property being damaged by your negligence or accident. It also covers for any other loss due to damage to your property or equipment.

Three Types of Machinery Breakdown Insurance

There are different types of machinery breakdown insurance, but they all have some common benefits and exclusions, such as:

Property coverage: This type of cover protects you from any losses in the event of damage to your own assets. The value of your belongings can be written down, so you don't need to worry about losing them if something happens.

Theft coverage: If your asset is stolen, you can receive some compensation for the loss of your property. This means you can replace the item to make it work again.

Replacement cost coverage: This covers the cost of repairing or replacing the item after it has been damaged. For example, a broken machine might need parts replaced, and this insurance pays for that. In addition, it may include extra coverage to help pay for additional repairs, such as labor and material costs.

Other coverage options: Your cover can include coverages for things like theft, fire, vandalism, flood, wind damage, power outages, water damage, natural disasters, and more.

Other Optional Coverages

Some other optional coverages you might want to consider may include

Loss of use cover: You may need to replace your machine if it starts malfunctioning and not performing its job properly. These coverages for replacement parts, repair kits, tools, etc.

Rental coverage: When you rent out a piece of equipment or product, you can get some protection if there is damage to it. Many machinery companies offer rental coverages, which protect against lost or destroyed equipment.

Installation coverage: A covered item can be installed by authorized technicians using appropriate protection.

If you're looking to purchase a new machinery breakdown cover, it's important to choose one with the right coverages and exclusions for your specific equipment. To ensure you get the best policy, it's also important to look into what other manufacturers have to say about their products. Look into reviews posted online or in trade publications, too. You can find many good ones here.

Complementary Business Insurances

You can choose between several kinds of machinery breakdown insurance, but the most popular for heavy machines is the following list of policies:

General Liability Insurance: While not specific to machinery breakdown, general liability insurance can offer some protection in these scenarios. It covers your business for legal costs and damages arising from accidents or incidents, including those caused by malfunctioning equipment. For instance, if a machine breaks down and explodes, causing property damage to a neighboring business, general liability insurance could help cover the repair costs. However, it's important to note that the specific coverage limits and exclusions will vary depending on your policy.

Property Insurance: This type of insurance directly protects your machinery from physical damage caused by various events, including breakdowns. If a machine malfunctions and suffers internal damage due to a mechanical failure, property insurance could cover the repair or replacement costs. The specific coverage details will depend on your policy, so carefully review what events and breakdowns are included. It's also important to ensure the insured value of your machinery accurately reflects its current replacement cost.

Professional liability insurance: Professional liability insurances cover the legal fees incurred by lawyers or law firms when they handle claims related to cases where workers are injured or harmed on the job. However, these insurances may not cover losses related to lawsuits involving worker compensation.

Workers' compensation: Worker's compensations cover losses for both employees and employers. Workers' compensation covers injuries and illnesses suffered during employment.

Medical payments insurance: Medical payments insurances cover medical expenses incurred by a business owner if they suffer physical ailments, injuries, or losses. This includes doctors' visits, prescription drugs, rehabilitation, and other forms of treatment.

Workplace safety and health insurance: Workplace safety and health insurance cover the prevention and treatment costs of certain occupational diseases, injuries, and illnesses. This includes workplace injuries, illnesses, and disabilities. Uninsured motorist coverage: Motorist coverage provides coverage for uninsured drivers who incur unexpected automobile damage while driving. Although these insurances are relatively inexpensive, the higher risk of claim increases the premiums.

To obtain the best policy, you should look into the total coverage, exclusions, and limitations of each policy. Once you've identified your needs, you'll need to look into the specifics of the product to determine how much coverage it offers.

Here are some additional points to consider:

  • Get quotes from multiple insurers: Shopping around is crucial for finding the most competitive rate for your desired coverage. Don't settle for the first quote you receive. Obtain quotes from several reputable insurance companies to compare coverage options and pricing. This ensures you get the best value for your insurance dollar.
  • Negotiate your policy: Don't be afraid to negotiate the terms of your policy, especially if you have a good claims history. A strong claims history demonstrates your risk management practices and responsible ownership of equipment. This can make you a more attractive customer to insurers, potentially leading to lower premiums or additional coverage options.
  • Review your policy regularly: Your business needs and the value of your equipment can change over time. Regularly review your machinery breakdown insurance policy to ensure it continues to meet your requirements. As your business grows or your equipment ages, you may need to adjust your coverage levels or explore additional endorsements to maintain adequate protection.


In conclusion, machinery breakdown insurance offers a safety net for businesses that rely on functional equipment. By understanding the different coverages, exclusions, and policy options available, you can choose the plan that best protects your specific needs and minimizes financial risk. Remember to carefully review the details of each policy before making a decision, ensuring the chosen plan offers the right balance of coverage and affordability for your machinery and operations.

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